How to achieve national PR coverage

Nailing coverage is the bread and butter of any PR practitioner whether it’s B2B, B2C, regional, bu…
The hummingbird thinks and acts quickly, doing exactly what it needs to, when it needs to, and our PR services are no different. Our B2B and B2C public relations services get businesses talking, ensuring you can reach exactly who you need to reach with perfect timing. We provide PR services for brands of all sizes, from national campaigns for major brands to securing vital local coverage for smaller businesses. Whether you’d like to increase brand awareness, promote a new service or you need measured, effective communications for an unforeseen scenario, our experts are here to help.
Sharing your message with the right people at the right time requires a balance of carefully considered audience insight and a fearless creative approach. Using a blend of both digital and traditional methods, we undertake PR activity to ensure your brand is visible, valued and trusted. We are storytellers, and we're here to help you tell yours.
It’s also about making connections and starting conversations that lead to powerful and effective action. We take a holistic approach to your PR activity, starting at the beginning to define a strategy that enables your key messages to be heard at the most relevant time. From this, we create and manage effective communications, before taking a data-driven approach to measurement. This allows us to see what worked - and what worked well - so we can ensure success time after time.
Read more about our PR services below or contact us to discuss your needs.