Riding trends with reactive PR

What is reactive PR and how does it differ from a proactive PR campaign? Our PR Account Executive, …
When I was asked to write a blog about the first few months in my new role at RKH as Senior Account Manager, I thought ‘hey why not?’ We often hear stories from fresh-faced university students entering the world of marketing but its rare to hear from middle-aged women with young families and a house to run re-entering the world of marketing. So here goes…
I started my marketing career in my early 20s (before the pitter patter of tiny feet) and from the outset, I knew that this was what I was meant to do. A couple of decades and three babies later, I now realise that raising tiny humans and helping brands grow is hard work.
When baby number three came along, I made the tough decision to leave my previous creative agency of 14 years to concentrate on home life. Should I have had to do that? Of course not, but I chose to prioritise my family and I don’t regret that decision one bit.
My agency experience in the early 90s was very much a big boys club - imagine a typical ‘Mad Men’ agency. We worked hard, but we played even harder. Being a woman with a family never really fit with that type of marketing agency but still, I bloomin’ loved it and it definitely helped to shape the professional I am today.
When I swapped full-time employment in a large creative agency for part-time work in a couple of smaller agencies, I did feel a void - it's really hard to walk away from the fast-paced, exhilarating nature of the work, which truly is something that becomes part of you.
As our kiddies grew and became less dependent on me, I knew that I missed agency life and I wanted that piece of me back. When I landed the job here at RKH I was over the moon - nervous, apprehensive and even a little scared if I’m really honest with you all. Did I need to be? Nope. I’m not just saying this as I work here - and because the boss is probably reading this - but team RKH is the friendliest and most supportive bunch of people I have ever worked with. I couldn’t think of a better place to reignite my marketing career.
Yes...but possibly with the stabilisers on for a little while!
During those first days at RKH, I used to second guess myself; ‘What if I’ve forgotten what to do?’ or ‘What if marketing has drastically changed and I just don’t 'get it' any longer?’
Let’s be honest, marketing has drastically changed over the past 20 years, as we’ve entered a whole new digital era that was only just starting to rear its head when I opted for stay-at-home Mum duties.
Team RKH has brought me right up to speed - after all, the bones of marketing haven't changed - we are still here to help our clients to grow, advertise and sell products. While I still don’t fully understand the difference between CPA, PPC or even WTF (!) I am constantly learning something new. Plus, I have complete confidence in the team around me, so my knowledge will continue to grow every single day.
Not only has marketing and advertising changed over the years, there's been a huge shift in attitude towards employees work/life balance. While we have hierarchy here and we know who the bosses are, you’re just as likely to get advice and support from our super talented execs as you are from our directors, and there’s zero judgement if you ask a ‘daft’ question or need a bit of help.
It’s all about lifting others up and supporting each other, which is by far the biggest change I have witnessed since returning to the big bad world of marketing. The culture at RKH is so refreshing, in that nobody is viewed as better than anybody else - surely this is how all companies should operate?!
I can honestly say I am no longer fighting to be part of the ‘big boys' club ... I feel part of an exceptionally talented team and I'm having the best time reigniting my career. Huge thank you to team RKH for welcoming me into the fold!
Now, I am fully aware that this has started to read like sponsored content for RKH, but this was never my intention. I merely wanted to share my experience and let others know that if you thought leaving agency life for a few years meant your marketing career was over, it most definitely isn’t.
Top tips: Have confidence in yourself and - importantly- pick a team that wants to help you grow and succeed!
Whether you're looking to reignite your marketing career like Beckie or start your journey in the industry, do it with us. Check out our opportunities and send in your application.
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