
Dare we talk about the C word yet?! If you’re a marketer, then it’s never too early or late to be thinking about Christmas! Depending on your business, Christmas can be the biggest focus of your marketing calendar and, although it happens every year at the same time, it can still sneak up on you.

There’s no need to panic though. We’ve helped plenty of clients over the years navigate what can be a stressful time so here’s our top tips to bring you and your team comfort and joy.

Understand your objective

Understanding what you want out of the Christmas period is key. Do you want more sales? More visitors to your website or more app downloads? Whatever it is you want people to do, there’s a digital campaign that can help you reach your goal.

Focus on your audience and their behaviours

Knowing your audience is one of your secret weapons when it comes to Christmas campaigns. As well as informing your creative and messaging, understanding them means you can use a range of tactics from personalisation to hyperlocal targeting to make sure you’re reaching them in the right places and the right times.

Think about creative

Perhaps you have existing creative that can be given a festive spin, maybe it’s strong enough to cut through as it is, or maybe you need a whole new photoshoot or set of graphics designed. Whatever’s required, there are simple and effective ways to get that festive feel, whichever route you take.

For photoshoots, less is more! You don’t have to create a whole Christmas scene - carefully placed lights, warm colours and some soft focus can create a gorgeously warm festive feel.

Keep your messaging simple to showcase your USPs

At Christmas, people are bombarded with LOTS of messages from all kinds of brands at all times, so you need to be able to cut through the clutter. Simple, direct messaging that showcases your USPs and helps to get your message across as quickly as possible is key. You have about three seconds to grab someone’s attention as they’re scrolling, so make it count!

Be realistic with your budget and KPIs

October to December is traditionally the most expensive period for online advertising, which makes sense as it’s a key trading season, right? Be realistic with how much you can allocate to your campaign and how it could affect your KPIs compared to other times of the year.

Get the most out of all your resources to drive value

Much like we bring out beloved decorations year after year, don’t be afraid to do the same and bring out existing Christmas creative if it’s still relevant (i.e. on current brand and not tied to a certain offer). You can also drive value from making the most of your first party data such as email subscribers who have opted in to receive marketing.

These tips should help you get your campaign up and running but if you do need some extra help, from strategy to design to social and digital, we’re here to help.

Clear, compelling and impactful campaigns all year-round

Whether you're looking for your Christmas strategy or you need a long-term marketing plan, our experts know how to deliver exactly what you need.

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Selina Conroy

Selina Conroy

Social Media and Content Manager